Illustration Gallery: German BookcoversAmerican BookcoversIllustrationsUnclassified

The Illustrative work in these galleries is basically divided into periods of work, early work done in Germany before the Second World War and that done later in the United States. However some of it is sort of lumped together into the Illustration and Unclassified galleries because though it looks like illustrative work I don't know what it was illustrating. But there are some interesting stories none the less.

Prints of bookcover of "The Greatest Story Ever Told" by Fulton Oursler now available at:

Most of the German Book Covers were done for books and authors that seem to have "disappeared" probably because they were critical of the Nazis. One book in particular seems to have hit a nerve, that is "Offnet" my understanding is that it was about an anthropological discovery that disapproved the "Aryan Theory". No wonder book and author disappeared, more about this later

It should be obvious that this site is far from complete so bear with us, and come back soon.